Previous Events
31.10.2024 - Event - Events on critical perspectives on digitalization

#12 On large publishers, AI corporations and the perils of third-party funding: how science is chaining itself
Science is free - one might think at first glance, and that would certainly be desirable. In fact, however, science has repeatedly found itself in problematic dependencies in recent decades. These include dependence on large publishers, which the open access movement is only partially able to resolve, dependence on third-party funding for research as well as reputation, and, more recently, an increasing dependence on commercial AI tools. The keynote address will explore these dependencies and show how they can be broken.
The End of Humanity - Film screening and discussion

This documentary takes a critical look at our zeitgeist with its “algorithmic” view of humanity and asks for alternatives for a more humane future.
- Date: Tuesday, October 1, 2024, at 6:30 pm.
- Location: Kino Lichtspiel, Sandrainstrasse 3, 3007 Bern, CH
3rd Annual Emilie Jäger Lecture & Award Ceremony

Algorithms of Oppression: How Search Engines Reinforce Racism
The landscape of information is rapidly shifting as new imperatives and demands push to the fore increasing investment in digital technologies. Yet, critical information scholars continue to demonstrate how digital technology and its narratives are shaped by and infused with values that are not impartial. Technologies consist of a set of social practices, situated within the dynamics of race, gender, class, and politics, and in the service of something -- a position, a profit motive, a means to an end. In this talk, Dr. Safiya Umoja Noble discussed her book, Algorithms of Oppression, and delved into issues ranging from marginalization and misrepresentation in commercial information platforms like Google search, to the profound power struggles that violate civil, human, and collective rights through AI and machine learning projects. All portions of the event were held in English, but the lecture slides were also translated to German.
- Date: Friday, September 27, 2024, at 3.00 p.m.
- Location: 001 Hochschulzentrum, vonRoll, Fabrikstrasse 6
- Speaker: Professor Safiya Noble
NRP 77 Dialogue event ‘Digital readiness of the Swiss education system’

How can digital skills in the education sector be improved? What infrastructure is needed? What role do universities play in the digital transformation? Research findings from NRP 77 on digital readiness in education were presented and discussed at the dialogue event.
- Date: Tuesday, September 24, from 09.00 a.m. to 12.00 p.m.
- Location: Berner Generationenhaus, Raum: Bubenbergsaal 1 + 2, Bahnhofplatz 2, 3011 Bern
Digitized Research and Its Costs: Discussing Sustainable Development

How can large digital (research) infrastructures, such as the Alps supercomputer, be harmonised with sustainability goals? The keynote input by Prof. Jan Bieser (BFH) was followed by a lively discussion with invited experts from the Swiss research landscape. At the core of the discussion stood the examination of the social, ecological and economic costs of research and how these can be navigated with scientific goals. The event was organized by the Office for Sustainable Development and the Research Management Office under the auspices of the Vice-Rectorate Quality and Sustainable Development.
- Date: Wednesday, September 18, from 09:15 a.m. to 12 p.m.
- Location: Room 205, Hallerstrasse, Hallerstrasse 6, 3012 Bern

An exciting program included expert keynotes, presentations by Ph.D. students, workshops, and many more. The summer course took place from June 26th to June 28th, 2024. Furthermore, for members of the Doctoral Program, there were several networking opportunities to connect and deepen the conversation about the topic.
- 3 ECTS
- Datum: Wednesday, the 26th of June to Friday, the 28th of June, 2024
- Ort: Unitobler, University of Bern
- Speakers: Dr. Dirk U. Wulf & Prof. Dr. Rui Mata
Mittelbau in digital transformation - develop, promote, network

Talks and Apéro
The focus group Forum Mittelbau promotes the digitalization-related interests of intermediate staff and evaluates applications from young researchers at the University of Bern to fund their own projects. Anyone interested is invited to attend to learn about currently funded projects, the new call for proposals, and opportunities for digitalization at the University.
- Introduction by the focus group Forum Mittelbau
- Welcome address by Prof. Dr. Christiane Tretter, Head of the Digitalization Commission DigiK
- Presentation of the Innovation Office: Sébastien Hug
- Presentation of the Digital Humanities: Prof. Dr. Tobias Hodel
Insights into projects
- Dr. Eva Kuske, Walter Benjamin Kolleg, Human vs. machine - manual and automated transcription, annotation and alignment
- Dr. Adrian Stefanov, Institute of Cell Biology, A digital organism - Paramecium
- Dr. Yvonne Schweizer, Institute for Art History, Interactive city model of the history of the Swiss Sculpture Exhibition in Biel/Bienne
Organisation: Dr. Michael Ackert, Dr. Dr. Ann Krispenz, Mirko Winkel
- Date: June 10th, 2024
- Time: 1:00 to 3:00 pm, open end
- Venue: UniS, room B-102
- Registration: LINK
Workshop: AI in the Central Administration II

On May 30, 2024, the participants of the second workshop "AI in the central area" together with Prof. Christian Matt from the Institute of Information Systems at the University of Bern (Prof. Jens Dibbern was unfortunately unable to attend due to illness) developed ideas for improving processes in the central administration.
Slides and further information can be found here.

Synthetic patient data – these are AI-generated datasets that mimic the underlying real patient data so closely that the statistical properties of the original data are retained, but no personal information is available. Patient data "synthesized" in this way has the potential to solve a pressing problem in medical research. Namely, to make patient data widely available for research while fully and irreversibly protecting patient privacy.
What seemed like an insurmountable dilemma just a few years ago is now becoming a reality thanks to AI models. The Faculty of Medicine, the University of Bern and the Inselspital want to jointly explore the topic of "synthetic data" and lay the necessary foundations. The Synthetic Data Day, with presentations by national and international synthetic data experts, is the first step in this direction.
You can look forward to unique insights into the potential of synthetic data, its current areas of application, and the existing need for research.
Workshop: AI in the Central Administration

On February 29, 2024, the participants of the workshop "AI in the central area" together with Prof. Christian Matt from the Institute of Information Systems at the University of Bern (Prof. Jens Dibbern was unfortunately unable to attend due to illness) developed ideas for improving processes in the central administration.
Slides and further information can be found here.
AI@UniBE - Research in Dialogue

Be inspired by current applications of AI in research at UniBE and help shape the dialog on responsible AI!
Take part in the AI@UniBE - Research in Dialogue event at the University of Bern, where the current and future potential of AI in research will be presented. Learn about current research projects and approaches and take part in discussions about responsible AI in research. You will have the opportunity to interact with experts from various fields and share your ideas on shaping interdisciplinary AI research communities. Don't miss this unique opportunity to help shape and discuss the way forward!