Digitalization at the University of Bern

Events on critical perspectives on digitalization

Digitized Research and Its Costs: Discussing Sustainable Development

Wednesday, 2024/09/18, 09:15

The picture shows Microsoft`s innovative server container which can be let down into the sea - a cooling system

Microsoft: Project Natick

How can large digital (research) infrastructures, such as the Alps supercomputer, be harmonised with sustainability goals? The keynote input by Prof. Jan Bieser (BFH) will be followed by a lively discussion with invited experts from the Swiss research landscape. At the core of the discussion stands the examination of the social, ecological and economic costs of research and how these can be navigated with scientific goals. The event is organized by the Office for Sustainable Development and the Research Management Office under the auspices of the Vice-Rectorate Quality and Sustainable Development.

Event organizer: Office for Sustainable Development, Vice-Rectorate Quality and Sustainable Development & Research Management Office, Vice-Rectorate Research and Innovation
Speaker: Prof. Jan Bieser (Bern University of Applied Sciences), Lea Quilitz (Swiss National Science Foundation), Dr. Joost VandeVondele (ETH Zurich), Prof. Benjamin Stocker (University Bern)
Date: 2024/09/18
Time: 09:15 - 12:00
Locality: Room 205
Hallerstrasse 6
3012 Bern
Characteristics: open to the public
free of charge
Time Programme point
09:15 Welcome and introduction:
Vice-Rector Quality and Sustainable Development, Prof. Heike Mayer (University of Bern)
09: 30 Presentation on sustainable digitalization: "Potentials and challenges of digitalization for environmental protection"

Prof. Jan Bieser (Bern University of Applied Sciences)

10:30 Coffee break
10:50 Discussion on sustainable digitalization: "How can we harmonize digitized research with sustainable development goals?"

Lea Quilitz (Swiss National Science Foundation), Prof. Joost VandeVondele (ETH Zürich and Swiss National Supercomputing Center), Prof. Benjamin Stocker (Geocomputation and Earth Observation at Inistitute of Geography, University of Bern), and Prof. Jan Bieser (Bern University of Applied Sciences)

11:50 Outlook and closing of the event