Digital Medicine
Digital Medicine at the Faculty of Medicine is currently being developed based on the Strategies 2030 of the University of Bern and the Faculty of Medicine, including interaction with the Inselspital. In addition, national initiatives related to Digital Medicine (e.g. SPHN / Biomed IT Node, Swiss Digital Pathology Initiative, Open EM Data Network u.a.) are important drivers of development.
Strategiepapier_Digitale-Medizin_MedizinscheFakultaet_Bern_Rev_2024.pdf (PDF, 2.1 MB)ICT Strategy
The ICT strategy of the University of Bern builds on the digitalization strategy, which defines ten goals and sixteen fields of action for the university's digital transformation, and outlines how these will be implemented by the ICT organizational units. It is also based on a SWOT analysis of the current ICT situation at the university. The strategy consists of nine general principles and eight work packages that specify particular fields of action from the digitalization strategy.
ICT Strategie 2030 Universitaet Bern.pdf (PDF, 1.0 MB)